# Installation

You can install the Speckle 3D Viewer Visual manually by following these steps:

  1. Download the latest .pbiviz package from our GitHub repo (opens new window).
  2. Open your report in Power BI Desktop or Power BI service.
  3. Select the ellipsis from the visualizations pane.
  4. Select the ”Import a visual from a file" option from the menu.
  5. If you get a message cautioning you about importing custom files, select Import.
  6. Navigate to the folder with the custom visual file (.pbiviz) and open it.
  7. When the visual has successfully been imported, select OK.
  8. The visual now appears as a new icon in the visualizations pane of the current report. Select it to create the visual on the report canvas.


If you want the visual to remain on the visualization pane so you can use it in future reports, right-click it and select Pin to the visualization pane.